Source code for emd.imftools


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Functions for handling and assessing IMFs.

Supporting tools for IMFs estimated using the emd.sift submodule.


import logging

import numpy as np
from tabulate import tabulate

from ._sift_core import (get_padded_extrema, interp_envelope,
from .support import ensure_2d, ensure_equal_dims

# Housekeeping for logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def amplitude_normalise(X, thresh=1e-10, clip=False, interp_method='pchip', max_iters=3): """Normalise the amplitude envelope of an IMF to be 1. Multiple runs of normalisation are carried out until the desired threshold is reached. This uses the method described as part of the AM-FM transform [1]_ Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Input array of IMFs to be normalised thresh : float Threshold for stopping normalisation (Default value = 1e-10) clip : bool Whether to clip the output between -1 and 1 (Default value = False) interp_method : {'pchip','mono_pchip','splrep'} Method used to interpolate envelopes (Default value = 'pchip') max_iters : int Maximum number of iterations of normalisation to perform Returns ------- ndarray Amplitude normalised IMFs References ---------- .. [1] Huang, N. E., Wu, Z., Long, S. R., Arnold, K. C., Chen, X., & Blank, K. (2009). On Instantaneous Frequency. Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis, 1(2), 177–229. """'STARTED: Amplitude-Normalise') if X.ndim == 2: logger.debug('Normalising {0} samples across {1} IMFs'.format(*X.shape)) else: logger.debug('Normalising {0} samples across {1} first-level and {2} second-level IMFs'.format(*X.shape)) logger.debug('Using {0} interpolation with threshold of {1} and max_iters {2}'.format(interp_method, thresh, max_iters)) # Don't normalise in place X = X.copy() orig_dim = X.ndim if X.ndim == 2: X = X[:, :, None] extrema_opts = {'method': 'numpypad'} # Rilling doesn't make sense for combined extrema for iimf in range(X.shape[1]): for jimf in range(X.shape[2]): env = interp_envelope(X[:, iimf, jimf], mode='combined', interp_method=interp_method, extrema_opts=extrema_opts) if env is None: continue_norm = False else: continue_norm = True iters = 0 while continue_norm and (iters < max_iters): iters += 1 X[:, iimf, jimf] = X[:, iimf, jimf] / env env = interp_envelope(X[:, iimf, jimf], mode='combined', interp_method=interp_method, extrema_opts=extrema_opts) if env is None: continue_norm = False else: continue_norm = True iter_val = np.abs(env.sum() - env.shape[0]) if iter_val < thresh: continue_norm = False'Normalise of IMF-{0}-{1} complete in {2} iters (val={3})'.format(iimf, jimf, iters, iter_val)) if clip: logger.debug('Clipping signal to -1:1 range') # Make absolutely sure nothing daft is happening X = np.clip(X, -1, 1) if orig_dim == 2: X = X[:, :, 0]'COMPLETED: Amplitude-Normalise') return X
[docs] def wrap_phase(IP, ncycles=1, mode='2pi'): """Wrap a phase time-course. Parameters ---------- IP : ndarray Input array of unwrapped phase values ncycles : int Number of cycles per wrap (Default value = 1) mode : {'2pi','-pi2pi'} Flag to indicate the values to wrap phase within (Default value = '2pi') Returns ------- ndarray Wrapped phase time-course Notes ----- Non-finite phase values are not changed by this operation. eg np.nans in the input will be present and unchanged in the output. """ if (ncycles < 1) or (np.can_cast(ncycles, int) is False): raise ValueError("'ncycles' must be a positive integer value - input was '{0}'".format(ncycles)) if mode not in ['2pi', '-pi2pi']: raise ValueError("Invalid mode value") # Wrapping length phase_len = ncycles * 2 * np.pi # Compute wrapped phases using np.ufunc where and out to avoid processing non-finite values. if mode == '2pi': phases = np.remainder(IP, phase_len, where=np.isfinite(IP), out=IP) elif mode == '-pi2pi': phases = np.remainder(IP + np.pi * ncycles, phase_len - np.pi * ncycles, where=np.isfinite(IP), out=IP) return phases
# -------------------------- # Assess IMF 'quality'
[docs] def is_imf(imf, avg_tol=5e-2, envelope_opts=None, extrema_opts=None): """Determine whether a signal is a 'true IMF'. Two criteria are tested. Firstly, the number of extrema and number of zero-crossings must differ by zero or one. Secondly,the mean of the upper and lower envelopes must be within a tolerance of zero. Parameters ---------- imf : 2d array Array of signals to check [nsamples x nimfs] avg_tol : float Tolerance of acceptance for criterion two. The sum-square of the mean of the upper and lower envelope must be below avg_tol of the sum-square of the signal being checked. envelope_opts : dict Dictionary of envelope estimation options, must be identical to options used when estimating IMFs. extrema_opts : dict Dictionary of extrema estimation options, must be identical to options used when estimating IMFs. Returns ------- array [2 x nimfs] Boolean array indicating whether each IMF passed each test. Notes ----- These are VERY strict criteria to apply to real data. The tests may indicate a fail if the sift doesn't coverge well in a short segment of the signal when the majority of the IMF is well behaved. The tests are only valid if called with identical envelope_opts and extrema_opts as were used in the sift estimation. """ from scipy.signal import find_peaks imf = ensure_2d([imf], ['imf'], 'is_imf') if envelope_opts is None: envelope_opts = {} checks = np.zeros((imf.shape[1], 2), dtype=bool) for ii in range(imf.shape[1]): # Extrema and zero-crossings differ by <=1 num_zc = zero_crossing_count(imf[:, ii]) num_ext = find_peaks(imf[:, ii])[0].shape[0] + find_peaks(-imf[:, ii])[0].shape[0] # Mean of envelopes should be zero upper = interp_envelope(imf[:, ii], mode='upper', **envelope_opts, extrema_opts=extrema_opts) lower = interp_envelope(imf[:, ii], mode='lower', **envelope_opts, extrema_opts=extrema_opts) # If upper or lower are None we should stop sifting altogether if upper is None or lower is None: logger.debug('IMF-{0} False - no peaks detected') continue # Find local mean avg = np.mean([upper, lower], axis=0)[:, None] avg_sum = np.sum(np.abs(avg)) imf_sum = np.sum(np.abs(imf[:, ii])) diff = avg_sum / imf_sum # TODO: Could probably add a Rilling-like criterion here. ie - is_imf # is true if (1-alpha)% of time is within some thresh checks[ii, 0] = np.abs(np.diff((num_zc, num_ext))) <= 1 checks[ii, 1] = diff < avg_tol msg = 'IMF-{0} {1} - {2} extrema and {3} zero-crossings. Avg of envelopes is {4:.4}/{5:.4} ({6:.4}%)' msg = msg.format(ii, np.alltrue(checks[ii, :]), num_ext, num_zc, avg_sum, imf_sum, 100*diff) logger.debug(msg) return checks
[docs] def check_decreasing_freq(IF, mode='proportion'): """Similar to method 1 in Parameters ---------- IF : ndarray nsamples x nimfs array of instantaneous frequency values mode : {'proportion', 'sum', 'full'} Flag indicating whether the proportion of overlapping samples ('proportion', default), the total number of overlapping samples ('sum') or the full nsamples x nimfs-1 array ('full') will be returned Returns ------- metric : ndarray nimfs-1 length vector containing the proportion of samples in which the IF of adjacent pairs of IMFs overlapped. This is returned per-sample if input squash_time is None. """ # Find frequency differences dIF = np.diff(IF, axis=1) metric = dIF > 0 if mode == 'sum' or mode == 'proportion': metric = np.nansum(dIF > 0, axis=0) if mode == 'proportion': metric = metric / dIF.shape[0] return metric
[docs] def est_orthogonality(imf): """Compute the index of orthogonality from a set of IMFs. Method is described in equation 6.5 of Huang et al (1998) [1]_. Parameters ---------- imf : ndarray Input array of IMFs Returns ------- ndarray Matrix of orthogonality values [nimfs x nimfs] References ---------- .. [1] Huang, N. E., Shen, Z., Long, S. R., Wu, M. C., Shih, H. H., Zheng, Q., … Liu, H. H. (1998). The empirical mode decomposition and the Hilbert spectrum for nonlinear and non-stationary time series analysis. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 454(1971), 903–995. """ ortho = np.ones((imf.shape[1], imf.shape[1])) * np.nan for ii in range(imf.shape[1]): for jj in range(imf.shape[1]): ortho[ii, jj] = np.abs(np.sum(imf[:, ii] * imf[:, jj])) \ / (np.sqrt(np.sum(imf[:, jj] * imf[:, jj])) * np.sqrt(np.sum(imf[:, ii] * imf[:, ii]))) return ortho
[docs] def pseudo_mode_mixing_index(imf): """Compute the Pseudo Mode Mixing Index from a set of IMFs. Section VI in Wang et al (2018) _[1] Parameters ---------- imf : ndarray Input array of IMFs Returns ------- ndarray Vector of PSMI [nimfs,] References ---------- .. [1] Wang, Y.-H., Hu, K., & Lo, M.-T. (2018). Uniform Phase Empirical Mode Decomposition: An Optimal Hybridization of Masking Signal and Ensemble Approaches. IEEE Access, 6, 34819–34833. """ psmi = np.zeros((imf.shape[1],)) for ii in range(imf.shape[1]-1): num =[:, ii], imf[:, ii+1]) denom = np.linalg.norm(imf[:, ii])**2 + np.linalg.norm(imf[:, ii+1])**2 + 1e-8 psmi[ii] = np.max([num / denom, 0]) return psmi
[docs] def assess_harmonic_criteria(IP, IF, IA, num_segments=None, base_imf=None, print_result=True): """Assess IMFs for potential harmonic relationships. This function implements tests for the criteria defining when signals can be considered 'harmonically related' as introduced in [1]_. Broadly, harmonically related signals are defined as having an integer frequency ratio, constant phase relationship, and a well-defined joint instantaneous frequency Three criteria are assessed by splitting the time-series into approximately equally sized segments and computing metrics within each segment. Parameters ---------- IP, IF, IA : ndarray of equal shape Instantaneous Phase, Frequency and Amplitude estimates for a set of IMFs. These are typically the outputs from emd.spectra.frequency_transform. num_segments : int Number of segments to split the time series into to enable statistical assessment. base_inf : int Index of IMF to be considered the potential 'fundamental' oscillation. print_result : bool Flag indicating whether to print a summary table of results. Returns ------- df Pandas DataFrame containing a range of summary and comparison metrics. Notes ----- In detail, this function compares each IMF to a 'base' IMF to see if it can be considered a potential harmonic. Each pair of IMFs are assessed for: 1) An integer frequency ratio. The distribution of frequency ratios across segments is compared to its closest integer value with a 1-sample t-test 2) Consistent phase relationship. The instantaneous phase time-courses are assessed for temporal dependence using a Distance Correlation t-statistic. 3) The af ratio is less than 1. The product of the amplitude ratio and frequency ratio of the two IMFs should be less than 1 according to a 1-sided 1-sample t-test. References ---------- .. [1] Fabus, M. S., Woolrich, M. W., Warnaby, C. W., & Quinn, A. J. (2022). Understanding Harmonic Structures Through Instantaneous Frequency. IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing. doi: 10.1109/OJSP.2022.3198012. """ # Housekeeping import dcor import pandas as pd from scipy.stats import ttest_1samp IP, IF, IA = ensure_2d([IP, IF, IA], ['IP', 'IF', 'IA'], 'assess_harmonic_criteria') ensure_equal_dims((IP, IF, IA), ('IP', 'IF', 'IA'), 'assess_harmonic_criteria') if base_imf is None: base_imf = IP.shape[1] - 1 IP = IP.copy()[:, :base_imf+1] IF = IF.copy()[:, :base_imf+1] IA = IA.copy()[:, :base_imf+1] if num_segments is None: num_segments = 20 IPs = np.array_split(IP, num_segments, axis=0) IFs = np.array_split(IF, num_segments, axis=0) IAs = np.array_split(IA, num_segments, axis=0) vals, counts = np.unique([xx.shape[0] for xx in IPs], return_counts=True) msg = 'Splitting data into {0} segments with lengths {1} and counts {2}', vals, counts)) IFms = [ff.mean(axis=0) for ff in IFs] IAms = [aa.mean(axis=0) for aa in IAs] fratios = np.zeros((base_imf, num_segments)) a_s = np.zeros((base_imf, num_segments)) afs = np.zeros((base_imf, num_segments)) dcorrs = np.zeros((base_imf, num_segments)) dcor_pvals = np.zeros((base_imf, 2)) fratio_pvals = np.zeros(base_imf) af_pvals = np.zeros(base_imf) for ii in range(base_imf): # Freq ratios fratios[ii, :] = [ff[ii] / ff[base_imf] for ff in IFms] # Amp ratio a_s[ii, :] = [aa[ii] / aa[base_imf] for aa in IAms] # af value afs[ii, :] = a_s[ii, :] * fratios[ii, :] # Test 1: significant Phase-Phase Correlation dcorr = dcor.distance_correlation(IP[:, ii], IP[:, base_imf]) p_dcor, _ = dcor.independence.distance_correlation_t_test(IP[:, ii], IP[:, base_imf]) dcor_pvals[ii, :] = dcorr, p_dcor for jj in range(num_segments): dcorrs[ii, jj] = dcor.distance_correlation(IPs[jj][:, ii], IPs[jj][:, base_imf]) # Test 2: frequency ratio not different from nearest integer ftarget = np.round(fratios[ii, :].mean()) _, fratio_pvals[ii] = ttest_1samp(fratios[ii, :], ftarget) # Test 3: af < 1 _, af_pvals[ii] = ttest_1samp(afs[ii, :], 1, alternative='less') info = {'InstFreq Mean': np.array(IFms).mean(axis=0)[:base_imf], 'InstFreq StDev': np.array(IFms).std(axis=0)[:base_imf], 'InstFreq Ratio': fratios.mean(axis=1), 'Integer IF p-value': fratio_pvals, 'InstAmp Mean': np.array(IAms).mean(axis=0)[:base_imf], 'InstAmp StDev': np.array(IAms).std(axis=0)[:base_imf], 'InstAmp Ratio': a_s.mean(axis=1), 'af Value': afs.mean(axis=1), 'af < 1 p-value': af_pvals, 'DistCorr': dcor_pvals[:, 0], 'DistCorr p-value': dcor_pvals[:, 1]} df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(info) if print_result: tabs = [] for ii in range(base_imf): tabs.append([f'IMF-{ii}', df['DistCorr'][ii], df['DistCorr p-value'][ii], df['InstFreq Ratio'][ii], df['Integer IF p-value'][ii], df['af Value'][ii], df['af < 1 p-value'][ii]]) heads = ['IMF', 'Phase DistCorr', 'p-value', 'InstFreq Ratio', 'p-value', 'af Ratio', 'p-value'] print(tabulate(tabs, headers=heads, tablefmt='orgtbl')) return df
[docs] def assess_joint_if(imf, freq_transform_args=None, return_mode='full'): """Assess whether two signals have a well formed joint instantaneous frequency. Parameters ---------- imf : ndarray Array of intrinsic mode functions. freq_transform_args : {None, dict} Optional dictionary of keyword arguments to be passed to emd.spectra.frequency_transform return_mode : {'binary', 'full'} Whether to return the full joint instantaneous frequency or a binarised vector indicating samples that have positive joint instantaneous frequency. Returns ------- joint_if : ndarray Array of joint instantaneous frequency values or binary values indicating whether the joint instantaneous frequency was less than zero. References ---------- .. [1] Fabus, M. S., Woolrich, M. W., Warnaby, C. W., & Quinn, A. J. (2022). Understanding Harmonic Structures Through Instantaneous Frequency. IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing. doi: 10.1109/OJSP.2022.3198012. """ # Import from spectra inside function to avoid circular imports. Strictly, # emd.spectra depends on emd.imftools but not the other way around from .spectra import frequency_transform # Housekeeping imf = ensure_2d([imf], ['imf'], 'assess_joint_if') inds = np.arange(1, imf.shape[1]) step = -1 freq_transform_args = {} if freq_transform_args is None else freq_transform_args joint_if = np.zeros_like(imf[:, :-1]) for ii in range(len(inds)): jif = imf[:, inds[ii]] + imf[:, inds[ii]+step] IP, IF, IA = frequency_transform(jif, 1, 'hilbert', **freq_transform_args) joint_if[:, ii] = IF[:, 0] if return_mode == 'binary': joint_if = joint_if < 0 return joint_if
# -------------------------- # Epoching
[docs] def find_extrema_locked_epochs(X, winsize, lock_to='peaks', percentile=None): """Define epochs around peaks or troughs within the data. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Input time-series winsize : int Width of window to extract around each extrema lock_to : {'max','min'} Flag to select peak or trough locking (Default value = 'max') percentile : float Optional flag to selection only the upper percentile of extrema by magnitude (Default value = None) Returns ------- ndarray Array of start and end indices for epochs around extrema. """ if lock_to not in ['peaks', 'troughs', 'combined']: raise ValueError("Invalid lock_to value") locs, pks = get_padded_extrema(X, pad_width=0, mode=lock_to) if percentile is not None: thresh = np.percentile(pks, percentile) locs = locs[pks > thresh] pks = pks[pks > thresh] winstep = int(winsize / 2) # Get all trials trls = np.r_[np.atleast_2d(locs - winstep), np.atleast_2d(locs + winstep)].T # Reject trials which start before 0 inds = trls[:, 0] < 0 trls = trls[inds == False, :] # noqa: E712 # Reject trials which end after X.shape[0] inds = trls[:, 1] > X.shape[0] trls = trls[inds == False, :] # noqa: E712 return trls
[docs] def apply_epochs(X, trls): """Apply a set of epochs to a continuous dataset. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Input dataset to be epoched trls : ndarray 2D array of start and end indices for each epoch. The second dimension should be of len==2 and contain start and end indices in order. Returns ------- ndarray Epoched time-series """ Y = np.zeros((trls[0, 1] - trls[0, 0], X.shape[1], trls.shape[0])) for ii in np.arange(trls.shape[0]): Y[:, :, ii] = X[trls[ii, 0]:trls[ii, 1], :] return Y
# Circular statistics # # These functions are a work in progress and not currently tested. # Mostly based on equations from wikipedia. # # # Everything works in radians to match the instantaneous phase estimates. def _radians_to_complex(IP, IA=None): """Convert phase in radians to circular/complex coordinates.""" if IA is None: IA = np.ones_like(IP) ensure_equal_dims([IP, IA], ['IP', 'IA'], 'ip_to_complex') # Actual computation using exponential formula - could equivalently use the # sine/cosine form - computation time nearly identical # phi = np.cos(IP) + 1j * np.sin(IP) phi = IA * np.exp(1j * IP) return phi def ip_mean_resultant_vector(IP, IA=None, axis=0): """Compute the mean resultant vector of a set of phase values.""" if IA is None: IA = np.ones_like(IP) phi = _radians_to_complex(IP, IA=IA) return phi.mean(axis=axis) def ip_circular_mean(IP, IA=None, axis=0): """Compute the circular mean of a set of phase values.""" phi = ip_mean_resultant_vector(IP, IA=IA, axis=axis) return np.angle(phi) def ip_circular_variance(IP, IA=None, axis=0): """Compute the circular variance of a set of phase values.""" # phi = ip_mean_resultant_vector(IP, IA=IA, axis=axis) return 1 - np.abs(phi)