Module reference

SIFT Functions

emd.sift.sift(X, sift_thresh=1e-08, max_imfs=None, imf_opts={}, envelope_opts={}, extrema_opts={})[source]

Compute Intrinsic Mode Functions from an input data vector using the original sift algorithm [1].

X : ndarray

1D input array containing the time-series data to be decomposed

sift_thresh : scalar

The threshold at which the overall sifting process will stop. (Default value = 1e-8)

max_imfs : int

The maximum number of IMFs to compute. (Default value = None)

imf: ndarray

2D array [samples x nimfs] containing he Intrisic Mode Functions from the decomposition of X.

Other Parameters:
imf_opts : dict

Optional dictionary of keyword options to be passed to emd.get_next_imf

envelope_opts : dict

Optional dictionary of keyword options to be passed to emd.interp_envelope

extrema_opts : dict

Optional dictionary of keyword options to be passed to emd.get_padded_extrema


[1]Huang, N. E., Shen, Z., Long, S. R., Wu, M. C., Shih, H. H., Zheng, Q., … Liu, H. H. (1998). The empirical mode decomposition and the Hilbert spectrum for nonlinear and non-stationary time series analysis. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 454(1971), 903–995.
emd.sift.ensemble_sift(X, nensembles=4, ensemble_noise=0.2, noise_mode='single', nprocesses=1, sift_thresh=1e-08, max_imfs=None, imf_opts={}, envelope_opts={}, extrema_opts={})[source]

Compute Intrinsic Mode Functions from an input data vector using the ensemble empirical model decomposition algorithm [1]. This approach sifts an ensemble of signals with white-noise added and treats the mean IMFs as the result.

The resulting IMFs from the ensemble sift resembles a dyadic filter [2].

X : ndarray

1D input array containing the time-series data to be decomposed

nensembles : int

Integer number of different ensembles to compute the sift across.

ensemble_noise : scalar

Standard deviation of noise to add to each ensemble (Default value = .2)

noise_mode : {‘single’,’flip’}

Flag indicating whether to compute each ensemble with noise once or twice with the noise and sign-flipped noise (Default value = ‘single’)

nprocesses : integer

Integer number of parallel processes to compute. Each process computes a single realisation of the total ensemble (Default value = 1)

sift_thresh : scalar

The threshold at which the overall sifting process will stop. (Default value = 1e-8)

max_imfs : int

The maximum number of IMFs to compute. (Default value = None)

imf : ndarray

2D array [samples x nimfs] containing he Intrisic Mode Functions from the decomposition of X.

Other Parameters:
imf_opts : dict

Optional dictionary of keyword options to be passed to emd.get_next_imf.

envelope_opts : dict

Optional dictionary of keyword options to be passed to emd.interp_envelope

extrema_opts : dict

Optional dictionary of keyword options to be passed to emd.get_padded_extrema


[1]Wu, Z., & Huang, N. E. (2009). Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition: A Noise-Assisted Data Analysis Method. Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis, 1(1), 1–41.
[2]Wu, Z., & Huang, N. E. (2004). A study of the characteristics of white noise using the empirical mode decomposition method. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 460(2046), 1597–1611.
emd.sift.complete_ensemble_sift(X, nensembles=4, ensemble_noise=0.2, noise_mode='single', nprocesses=1, sift_thresh=1e-08, max_imfs=None, imf_opts={}, envelope_opts={}, extrema_opts={})[source]

Compute Intrinsic Mode Functions from an input data vector using the complete ensemble empirical model decomposition algorithm [1]. This approach sifts an ensemble of signals with white-noise added taking a single IMF across all ensembles at before moving to the next IMF.

X : ndarray

1D input array containing the time-series data to be decomposed

nensembles : int

Integer number of different ensembles to compute the sift across.

ensemble_noise : scalar

Standard deviation of noise to add to each ensemble (Default value = .2)

noise_mode : {‘single’,’flip’}

Flag indicating whether to compute each ensemble with noise once or twice with the noise and sign-flipped noise (Default value = ‘single’)

nprocesses : integer

Integer number of parallel processes to compute. Each process computes a single realisation of the total ensemble (Default value = 1)

sift_thresh : scalar

The threshold at which the overall sifting process will stop. (Default value = 1e-8)

max_imfs : int

The maximum number of IMFs to compute. (Default value = None)

imf: ndarray

2D array [samples x nimfs] containing he Intrisic Mode Functions from the decomposition of X.

noise: array_like

The Intrisic Mode Functions from the decomposition of X.

Other Parameters:
imf_opts : dict

Optional dictionary of keyword options to be passed to emd.get_next_imf.

envelope_opts : dict

Optional dictionary of keyword options to be passed to emd.interp_envelope

extrema_opts : dict

Optional dictionary of keyword options to be passed to emd.get_padded_extrema


[1]Torres, M. E., Colominas, M. A., Schlotthauer, G., & Flandrin, P. (2011). A complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise. In 2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE.
emd.sift.mask_sift(X, mask_amp=1, mask_amp_mode='ratio_imf', mask_freqs='zc', mask_step_factor=2, mask_type='all', ret_mask_freq=False, max_imfs=9, sift_thresh=1e-08, imf_opts={}, envelope_opts={}, extrema_opts={})[source]

Compute Intrinsic Mode Functions from a dataset using a set of masking signals to reduce mixing of components between modes [Rdf5ed0c9ba33-1].

This function can either compute the mask frequencies based on the fastest dynamics in the data (the properties of the first IMF from a standard sift) or apply a pre-specified set of masks.

X : ndarray

1D input array containing the time-series data to be decomposed

mask_amp : scalar or array_like

Amplitude of mask signals as specified by mask_amp_mode. If scalar the same value is applied to all IMFs, if an array is passed each value is applied to each IMF in turn (Default value = 1)

mask_amp_mode : {‘abs’,’ratio_imf’,’ratio_sig’}

Method for computing mask amplitude. Either in absolute units (‘abs’), or as a ratio of the amplitude of the input signal (‘ratio_signal’) or previous imf (‘ratio_imf’) (Default value = ‘ratio_imf’)

mask_freqs : {‘zc’,’if’,float,,array_like}

Define the set of mask frequencies to use. If ‘zc’ or ‘if’ are passed, the frequency of the first mask is taken from either the zero-crossings or instantaneous frequnecy the first IMF of a standard sift on the data. If a float is passed this is taken as the first mask frequency. Subsequent masks are defined by the mask_step_factor. If an array_like vector is passed, the values in the vector will specify the mask frequencies.

mask_step_factor : scalar

Step in frequency between successive masks (Default value = 2)

mask_type : {‘all’,’sine’,’cosine’}

Which type of masking signal to use. ‘sine’ or ‘cosine’ options return the average of a +ve and -ve flipped wave. ‘all’ applies four masks: sine and cosine with +ve and -ve sign and returns the average of all four.

ret_mask_freq : bool

Boolean flag indicating whether mask frequencies are returned (Default value = False)

max_imfs : int

The maximum number of IMFs to compute. (Default value = None)

sift_thresh : scalar

The threshold at which the overall sifting process will stop. (Default value = 1e-8)

imf : ndarray

2D array [samples x nimfs] containing he Intrisic Mode Functions from the decomposition of X.

mask_freqs : ndarray

1D array of mask frequencies, if ret_mask_freq is set to True.

Other Parameters:
imf_opts : dict

Optional dictionary of keyword arguments to be passed to emd.get_next_imf

envelope_opts : dict

Optional dictionary of keyword options to be passed to emd.interp_envelope

extrema_opts : dict

Optional dictionary of keyword options to be passed to emd.get_padded_extrema


Here are some example mask_sift variants you can run:

A mask sift in which the mask frequencies are determined with zero-crossings and mask amplitudes by a ratio with the amplitude of the previous IMF (note - this is also the default):

>> imf = emd.sift.mask_sift(X, mask_amp_mode=’ratio_imf’, mask_freqs=’zc’)

A mask sift in which the first mask is set at .4 of the sampling rate and subsequent masks found by successive division of this mask_freq by 3:

>> imf = emd.sift.mask_sift(X, mask_freqs=.4, mask_step_factor=3)

A mask sift using user specified frequencies and amplitudes:

>> mask_freqs = np.array([.4,.2,.1,.05,.025,0]) >> mask_amps = np.array([2,2,1,1,.5,.5]) >> imf = emd.sift.mask_sift(X, mask_freqs=mask_freqs, mask_amp=mask_amps, mask_amp_mode=’abs’)


Helper function for specifying config objects specifying parameters to be used in a sift. The functions used during the sift areinspected automatically and default values are populated into a nested dictionary which can be modified and used as input to one of the sift functions.

siftname : str

Name of the sift function to find configuration from


A modified dictionary containing the sift specification


The sift config acts as a nested dictionary which can be modified to specify parameters for different parts of the sift. This is initialised using this function:

config = emd.sift.get_config()

The first level of the dictionary contains six sub-dicts configuring different parts of the algorithm:

config[‘sift’] - top level sift options, mostly specific to the particular sift algorithm config[‘imf’] - options for detecting IMFs config[‘envelope’] - options for upper and lower envelope interpolation config[‘extrema’] - options for extrema detection config[‘mag_pad’] - options for y-values of padded extrema at edges config[‘loc_pad’] - options for x-values of padded extrema at edges

Specific values can be modified in the dictionary

config[‘extrema’][‘parabolic_extrema’] = True

or using this shorthand

config[‘imf/env_step_factor’] = 1/3

Finally, the SiftConfig dictionary should be nested before being passed as keyword arguments to a sift function.

imfs = emd.sift.sift(X, **config.nest())

emd.sift.get_next_imf(X, sd_thresh=0.1, env_step_size=1, envelope_opts={}, extrema_opts={})[source]

Compute the next IMF from a data set. This is a helper function used within the more general sifting functions.

X : ndarray [nsamples x 1]

1D input array containing the time-series data to be decomposed

sd_thresh : scalar

The threshold at which the sift of each IMF will be stopped. (Default value = .1)

env_step_size : float

Scaling of envelope prior to removal at each iteration of sift. The average of the upper and lower envelope is muliplied by this value before being subtracted from the data. Values should be between 0 > x >= 1 (Default value = 1)

proto_imf : ndarray

1D vector containing the next IMF extracted from X

continue_flag : bool

Boolean indicating whether the sift can be continued beyond this IMF

Other Parameters:
envelope_opts : dict

Optional dictionary of keyword arguments to be passed to emd.interp_envelope

extrema_opts : dict

Optional dictionary of keyword options to be passed to emd.get_padded_extrema

emd.sift.get_next_imf_mask(X, z, amp, mask_type='all', imf_opts={}, envelope_opts={}, extrema_opts={})[source]

Compute the next IMF from a data set using the mask sift appraoch. This is a helper function used within the more general sifting functions.

X : ndarray

1D input array containing the time-series data to be decomposed

z : scalar

Mask frequency as a proportion of the sampling rate, values between 0->z->.5

amp : scalar

Mask amplitude

mask_type : {‘all’,’sine’,’cosine’}

Flag indicating whether to apply sine, cosine or all masks (Default value = ‘all’)

proto_imf : ndarray

1D vector containing the next IMF extracted from X

Other Parameters:
imf_opts : dict

Optional dictionary of keyword arguments to be passed to emd.get_next_imf

envelope_opts : dict

Optional dictionary of keyword options to be passed to emd.interp_envelope

extrema_opts : dict

Optional dictionary of keyword options to be passed to emd.get_padded_extrema

emd.sift.interp_envelope(X, mode='upper', interp_method='splrep', extrema_opts={}, ret_extrema=False)[source]

Interpolate the amplitude envelope of a signal.

X : ndarray

Input signal

mode : {‘upper’,’lower’,’combined’}

Flag to set which envelope should be computed (Default value = ‘upper’)

interp_method : {‘splrep’,’pchip’,’mono_pchip’}

Flag to indicate which interpolation method should be used (Default value = ‘splrep’)


Interpolated amplitude envelope

emd.sift.get_padded_extrema(X, pad_width=2, combined_upper_lower=False, loc_pad_opts={}, mag_pad_opts={}, parabolic_extrema=False)[source]

Return a set of extrema from a signal including padded extrema at the edges of the signal.

X : ndarray

Input signal

combined_upper_lower : bool

Flag to indicate whether both upper and lower extrema should be considered (Default value = False)

max_locs : ndarray

location of extrema in samples

max_pks : ndarray

Magnitude of each extrema

Frequency Functions

emd.spectra.frequency_stats(imf, sample_rate, method, smooth_phase=31)[source]

Compute instantaneous phase, frequency and amplitude from a set of IMFs. Several approaches are implemented from [1] and [2].

imf : ndarray

Input array of IMFs.

sample_rate : scalar

Sampling frequency of the signal in Hz

method : {‘hilbert’,’quad’,’direct_quad’,’nht’}

The method for computing the frequency stats

smooth_phase : integer

Length of window when smoothing the unwrapped phase (Default value = 31)

IP : ndarray

Array of instantaneous phase estimates

IF : ndarray

Array of instantaneous frequency estimates

IA : ndarray

Array of instantaneous amplitude estimates


[1]Huang, N. E., Shen, Z., Long, S. R., Wu, M. C., Shih, H. H., Zheng, Q., … Liu, H. H. (1998). The empirical mode decomposition and the Hilbert spectrum for nonlinear and non-stationary time series analysis. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 454(1971), 903–995.
[2]Huang, N. E., Wu, Z., Long, S. R., Arnold, K. C., Chen, X., & Blank, K. (2009). On Instantaneous Frequency. Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis, 1(2), 177–229.

Compute the quadrature transform on a set of time-series as defined in equation 34 of [1]. The return is a complex array with the input data as the real part and the quadrature transform as the imaginary part.

X : ndarray

Array containing time-series to transform

quad_signal : ndarray

Complex valued array containing the quadrature transformed signal


[1]Huang, N. E., Wu, Z., Long, S. R., Arnold, K. C., Chen, X., & Blank, K. (2009). On Instantaneous Frequency. Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis, 1(2), 177–229.
emd.spectra.phase_from_complex_signal(complex_signal, smoothing=None, ret_phase='wrapped', phase_jump='ascending')[source]

Compute the instantaneous phase from a complex signal obtained from either the Hilbert Transform or by Direct Quadrature.

complex_signal : complex ndarray

Complex valued input array

smoothing : int

Integer window length used in phase smoothing (Default value = None)

ret_phase : {‘wrapped’,’unwrapped’}

Flag indicating whether to return the wrapped or unwrapped phase (Default value = ‘wrapped’)

phase_jump : {‘ascending’,’peak’,’descending’,’trough’}

Flag indicating where in the cycle the phase jump should be (Default value = ‘ascending’)

IP : ndarray

Array of instantaneous phase values

emd.spectra.freq_from_phase(iphase, sample_rate)[source]

Compute the instantaneous frequency from the differential of the instantaneous phase.

iphase : ndarray

Input array containing the unwrapped instantaneous phase time-course

sample_rate : scalar

The sampling frequency of the data

IF : ndarray

Array containing the instantaneous frequencies

emd.spectra.phase_from_freq(ifrequency, sample_rate, phase_start=-3.141592653589793)[source]

Compute the instantaneous phase of a signal from its instantaneous phase.

ifrequency : ndarray

Input array containing the instantaneous frequencies of a signal

sample_rate : scalar

The sampling frequency of the data

phase_start : scalar

Start value of the phase output (Default value = -np.pi)

IP : ndarray

The instantaneous phase of the signal


Section 3.2 of ‘on instantaneous frequency’ Compute the quadrature transform on a set of time-series as defined in equation 35 of [1].


fm :


[1]Huang, N. E., Wu, Z., Long, S. R., Arnold, K. C., Chen, X., & Blank, K. (2009). On Instantaneous Frequency. Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis, 1(2), 177–229.

Compute the quadrature transform on a set of time-series as defined in equation 35 of [1].


X : ndarray

Array containing time-series to transform

quad_signal : ndarray

Complex valued array containing the quadrature transformed signal


[1]Huang, N. E., Wu, Z., Long, S. R., Arnold, K. C., Chen, X., & Blank, K. (2009). On Instantaneous Frequency. Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis, 1(2), 177–229.

Spectrum Functions

emd.spectra.hilberthuang_1d(infr, inam, freq_edges, mode='energy')[source]

Compute the Hilbert-Huang transform from the instataneous frequency statistics of a dataset. The 1D Hilbert-Huang Transform represents the energy in a signal across frequencies and IMFs [1].

infr : ndarray

2D first level instantaneous frequencies

inam : ndarray

2D first level instantaneous amplitudes

freq_edges : ndarray

Vector of frequency bins for carrier frequencies

mode : {‘energy’,’amplitude’}

Flag indicating whether to sum the energy or amplitudes (Default value = ‘energy’)

specs : ndarray

2D array containing Hilbert-Huang Spectrum [ frequencies x imfs ]


[1]Huang, N. E., Shen, Z., Long, S. R., Wu, M. C., Shih, H. H., Zheng, Q., … Liu, H. H. (1998). The empirical mode decomposition and the Hilbert spectrum for nonlinear and non-stationary time series analysis. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 454(1971), 903–995.
emd.spectra.hilberthuang(infr, inam, freq_edges, mode='energy', return_sparse=False)[source]

Compute the Hilbert-Huang transform from the instataneous frequency statistics of a dataset. The Hilbert-Huang Transform represents the energy of a signal across time and frequency [1].

infr : ndarray

2D first level instantaneous frequencies

inam : ndarray

2D first level instantaneous amplitudes

freq_edges : ndarray

Vector of frequency bins for carrier frequencies

mode : {‘energy’,’amplitude’}

Flag indicating whether to sum the energy or amplitudes (Default value = ‘energy’)

return_sparse : bool

Flag indicating whether to return the full or sparse form(Default value = True)

hht : ndarray

2D array containing the Hilbert-Huang Transform


If return_sparse is set to True the returned array is a sparse matrix in COOrdinate form (scipy.sparse.coo_matrix), also known as ‘ijv’ or ‘triplet’ form. This is much more memory efficient than the full form but may not behave as expected in functions expecting full arrays.


[1]Huang, N. E., Shen, Z., Long, S. R., Wu, M. C., Shih, H. H., Zheng, Q., … Liu, H. H. (1998). The empirical mode decomposition and the Hilbert spectrum for nonlinear and non-stationary time series analysis. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 454(1971), 903–995.
emd.spectra.holospectrum(infr, infr2, inam2, freq_edges, freq_edges2, mode='energy', squash_time='sum')[source]

Compute the Holospectrum from the first and second layer frequecy statistics of a dataset. The Holospectrum represents the energy of a signal across time, carrier frequency and amplitude-modulation frequency [1].

infr : ndarray

2D first level instantaneous frequencies

infr2 : ndarray

3D second level instantaneous frequencies

inam2 : ndarray

3D second level instantaneous amplitudes

freq_edges : ndarray

Vector of frequency bins for carrier frequencies

freq_edges2 :

Vector of frequency bins for amplitude-modulation frequencies

mode : {‘energy’,’amplitude’}

Flag indicating whether to sum the energy or amplitudes (Default value = ‘energy’)

squash_time : {‘sum’,’mean’,False}

Flag indicating whether to marginalise over the time dimension (Default value = ‘sum’)

holo : ndarray

Holospectrum of input data.


Output will be a 3D [samples x am_freq x carrier_freq] array if squash_time is False and a 2D [ am_freq x carrier_freq ] array if squash_time is true.


[1]Huang, N. E., Hu, K., Yang, A. C. C., Chang, H.-C., Jia, D., Liang, W.-K., … Wu, Z. (2016). On Holo-Hilbert spectral analysis: a full informational spectral representation for nonlinear and non-stationary data. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 374(2065), 20150206.

Spectrum Utils

emd.spectra.define_hist_bins(data_min, data_max, nbins, scale='linear')[source]

Define the bin edges and centre values for use in a histogram

data_min : scalar

Value for minimum edge

data_max : scalar

Value for maximum edge

nbins : integer

Number of bins to create

scale : {‘linear’,’log’}

Flag indicating whether to use a linear or log spacing between bins (Default value = ‘linear’)

edges : ndarray

1D array of bin edges

centres : ndarray

1D array of bin centres

>> edges,centres = emd.spectra.define_hist_bins( 1, 5, 3 )
>> print(edges)
[1. 2. 3. 4. 5.]
>> print(centres)
[1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5]
emd.spectra.define_hist_bins_from_data(X, nbins=None, mode='sqrt', scale='linear')[source]

Find the bin edges and centre frequencies for use in a histogram

if nbins is defined, mode is ignored

X : ndarray

Dataset whose summary stats will define the histogram

nbins : int

Number of bins to create, if undefined this is derived from the data (Default value = None)

mode : {‘sqrt’}

Method for deriving number of bins if nbins is undefined (Default value = ‘sqrt’)

scale : {‘linear’,’log’}

(Default value = ‘linear’)

edges : ndarray

1D array of bin edges

centres : ndarray

1D array of bin centres

Cycle Utils

emd.cycles.get_cycle_inds(phase, return_good=True, mask=None, imf=None, phase_step=4.71238898038469, phase_edge=0.2617993877991494)[source]

Identify cycles within a instantaneous phase time-course and, optionally, remove ‘bad’ cycles by a number of criteria.

phase : ndarray

Input vector of Instantaneous Phase values

return_good : bool

Boolean indicating whether ‘bad’ cycles should be removed (Default value = True)

mask : ndarray

Vector of mask values that should be ignored (Default value = None)

imf : ndarray

Optional array of IMFs to used for control point identification when identifying good/bad cycles (Default value = None)

phase_step : scalar

Minimum value in the differential of the wrapped phase to identify a cycle transition (Default value = 1.5*np.pi)

phase_edge : scalar

Maximum distance from 0 or 2pi for the first and last phase value in a good cycle. Only used when return_good is True (Default value = np.pi/12)


Vector of integers indexing the location of each cycle


Good cycles are those with 1 : A strictly positively increasing phase 2 : A phase starting within phase_step of zero (ie 0 < x < phase_edge) 3 : A phase ending within phase_step of 2pi (is 2pi-phase_edge < x < 2pi) 4 : A set of 4 unique control points

(ascending zero, peak, descending zero & trough)

Good cycles can be idenfied with: >> good_cycles = emd.utils.get_cycle_inds( phase )

The total number of cycles is then >> good_cycles.max()

Indices where good cycles is zero do not contain a valid cycle bad_segments = good_cycles>0

A single cycle can be isolated by matching its index, eg for the 5th cycle cycle_5_inds = good_cycles==5

emd.cycles.get_cycle_stat(cycles, values, mode='compressed', func=<function mean>)[source]

Compute the average of a set of observations for each cycle.

cycles : ndarray

array whose content index cycle locations

values : ndarray

array of observations to average within each cycle

mode : {‘compressed’,’full’}

Flag to indicate whether to return a single value per cycle or the average values filled within a vector of the same size as values (Default value = ‘compressed’)

func : function

Function to call on the data in values for each cycle (Default np.mean). This can be any function, built-in or user defined, that processes a single vector of data returning a single value.


Array containing the cycle-averaged values

emd.cycles.get_cycle_chain(cycles, min_chain=1, drop_first=False, drop_last=False)[source]

Identify chains of valid cycles in a set of cycles.

cycles : ndarray

array whose content index cycle locations

min_chain : integer

Minimum length of chain to return (Default value = 1)

drop_first : {bool, integer}

Number of cycles to remove from start of chain (default is False)

drop_last : {bool, integer}

Number of cycles to remove from end of chain (default is False)


nested list of cycle numbers within each chain

emd.cycles.get_control_points(x, good_cycles)[source]

Identify sets of control points from identified cycles. The control points are the ascending zero, peak, descending zero & trough.

x : ndarray

Input array of oscillatory data

good_cycles : ndarray

array whose content index cycle locations


The control points for each cycle in x

emd.cycles.phase_align(ip, x, cycles=None, npoints=48, interp_kind='linear')[source]

Compute phase alignment of a vector of observed values across a set of cycles.

ip : ndarray

Input array of Instantaneous Phase values to base alignment on

x : ndarray

Input array of observed values to phase align

cycles : ndarray (optional)

Optional set of cycles within IP to use (Default value = None)

npoints : int

Number of points in the phase cycle to align to (Default = 48)

interp_kind : {‘linear’,’nearest’,’zero’,’slinear’,

‘quadratic’,’cubic’,’previous’, ‘next’}

Type of interpolation to perform. Argument is passed onto scipy.interpolate.interp1d. (Default = ‘linear’)

ndarray :

array containing the phase aligned observations

emd.cycles.mean_vector(IP, X, mask=None)[source]

Compute the mean vector of a set of values wrapped around the unit circle.

IP : ndarray

Instantaneous Phase values

X : ndarray

Observations corresponding to IP values

mask :

(Default value = None)

mv : ndarray

Set of mean vectors

emd.cycles.kdt_match(x, y, K=15, distance_upper_bound=inf)[source]

Find unique nearest-neighbours between two n-dimensional feature sets. Useful for matching two sets of cycles on one or more features (ie amplitude and average frequency).

Rows in x are matched to rows in y. As such - it is good to have (many) more rows in y than x if possible.

This uses a k-dimensional tree to query for the K nearest neighbours and returns the closest unique neighbour. If no unique match is found - the row is not returned. Increasing K will find more matches but allow matches between more distant observations.

Not advisable for use with more than a handful of features.

x : ndarray

[ num observations x num features ] array to match to

y : ndarray

[ num observations x num features ] array of potential matches

K : int

number of potential nearest-neigbours to query


indices of matched observations in x


indices of matched observations in y