Source code for emd._sift_core


# vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4:

Low level functionality for the sift algorithm.



import logging

import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate as interp
from scipy import signal

# Housekeeping for logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_padded_extrema(X, pad_width=2, mode='peaks', parabolic_extrema=False, loc_pad_opts=None, mag_pad_opts=None, method='rilling'): """Identify and pad the extrema in a signal. This function returns a set of extrema from a signal including padded extrema at the edges of the signal. Padding is carried out using numpy.pad. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Input signal pad_width : int >= 0 Number of additional extrema to add to the start and end mode : {'peaks', 'troughs', 'abs_peaks', 'both'} Switch between detecting peaks, troughs, peaks in the abs signal or both peaks and troughs method : {'rilling', 'numpypad'} Which padding method to use parabolic_extrema : bool Flag indicating whether extrema positions should be refined by parabolic interpolation loc_pad_opts : dict Optional dictionary of options to be passed to np.pad when padding extrema locations mag_pad_opts : dict Optional dictionary of options to be passed to np.pad when padding extrema magnitudes Returns ------- locs : ndarray location of extrema in samples mags : ndarray Magnitude of each extrema See Also -------- emd.sift.interp_envelope emd.sift._pad_extrema_numpy emd.sift._pad_extrema_rilling Notes ----- The 'abs_peaks' mode is not compatible with the 'rilling' method as rilling must identify all peaks and troughs together. """ if (mode == 'abs_peaks') and (method == 'rilling'): msg = "get_padded_extrema mode 'abs_peaks' is incompatible with method 'rilling'" raise ValueError(msg) if X.ndim == 2: X = X[:, 0] if mode == 'both' or method == 'rilling': max_locs, max_ext = _find_extrema(X, parabolic_extrema=parabolic_extrema) min_locs, min_ext = _find_extrema(-X, parabolic_extrema=parabolic_extrema) min_ext = -min_ext logger.debug('found {0} minima and {1} maxima on mode {2}'.format(len(min_locs), len(max_locs), mode)) elif mode == 'peaks': max_locs, max_ext = _find_extrema(X, parabolic_extrema=parabolic_extrema) logger.debug('found {0} maxima on mode {1}'.format(len(max_locs), mode)) elif mode == 'troughs': max_locs, max_ext = _find_extrema(-X, parabolic_extrema=parabolic_extrema) max_ext = -max_ext logger.debug('found {0} minima on mode {1}'.format(len(max_locs), mode)) elif mode == 'abs_peaks': max_locs, max_ext = _find_extrema(np.abs(X), parabolic_extrema=parabolic_extrema) logger.debug('found {0} extrema on mode {1}'.format(len(max_locs), mode)) else: raise ValueError('Mode {0} not recognised by get_padded_extrema'.format(mode)) # Return nothing if we don't have enough extrema if (len(max_locs) == 0) or (max_locs.size <= 1): logger.debug('Not enough extrema to pad.') return None, None elif (mode == 'both' or method == 'rilling') and len(min_locs) <= 1: logger.debug('Not enough extrema to pad 2.') return None, None # Run the padding by requested method if pad_width == 0: if mode == 'both': ret = (min_locs, min_ext, max_locs, max_ext) elif mode == 'troughs' and method == 'rilling': ret = (min_locs, min_ext) else: ret = (max_locs, max_ext) elif method == 'numpypad': ret = _pad_extrema_numpy(max_locs, max_ext, X.shape[0], pad_width, loc_pad_opts, mag_pad_opts) if mode == 'both': ret2 = _pad_extrema_numpy(min_locs, min_ext, X.shape[0], pad_width, loc_pad_opts, mag_pad_opts) ret = (ret2[0], ret2[1], ret[0], ret[1]) elif method == 'rilling': ret = _pad_extrema_rilling(min_locs, max_locs, X, pad_width) # Inefficient to use rilling for just peaks or troughs, but handle it # just in case. if mode == 'peaks': ret = ret[2:] elif mode == 'troughs': ret = ret[:2] return ret
def _pad_extrema_numpy(locs, mags, lenx, pad_width, loc_pad_opts, mag_pad_opts): """Pad extrema using a direct call to np.pad. Extra paddings are carried out if the padded values do not span the whole range of the original time-series (defined by lenx) Parameters ---------- locs : ndarray location of extrema in time mags : ndarray magnitude of each extrema lenx : int length of the time-series from which locs and mags were identified pad_width : int number of extra extrema to pad loc_pad_opts : dict dictionary of argumnents passed to np.pad to generate new extrema locations mag_pad_opts : dict dictionary of argumnents passed to np.pad to generate new extrema magnitudes Returns ------- ndarray location of all extrema (including padded and original points) in time ndarray magnitude of each extrema (including padded and original points) """ logger.verbose("Padding {0} extrema in signal X {1} using method '{2}'".format(pad_width, lenx, 'numpypad')) if not loc_pad_opts: # Empty dict evaluates to False loc_pad_opts = {'mode': 'reflect', 'reflect_type': 'odd'} else: loc_pad_opts = loc_pad_opts.copy() # Don't work in place... loc_pad_mode = loc_pad_opts.pop('mode') if not mag_pad_opts: # Empty dict evaluates to False mag_pad_opts = {'mode': 'median', 'stat_length': 1} else: mag_pad_opts = mag_pad_opts.copy() # Don't work in place... mag_pad_mode = mag_pad_opts.pop('mode') # Determine how much padding to use if locs.size < pad_width: pad_width = locs.size # Return now if we're not padding if (pad_width is None) or (pad_width == 0): return locs, mags # Pad peak locations ret_locs = np.pad(locs, pad_width, loc_pad_mode, **loc_pad_opts) # Pad peak magnitudes ret_mag = np.pad(mags, pad_width, mag_pad_mode, **mag_pad_opts) # Keep padding if the locations don't stretch to the edge count = 0 while np.max(ret_locs) < lenx or np.min(ret_locs) >= 0: logger.debug('Padding again - first ext {0}, last ext {1}'.format(np.min(ret_locs), np.max(ret_locs))) logger.debug(ret_locs) ret_locs = np.pad(ret_locs, pad_width, loc_pad_mode, **loc_pad_opts) ret_mag = np.pad(ret_mag, pad_width, mag_pad_mode, **mag_pad_opts) count += 1 #if count > 5: # raise ValueError return ret_locs, ret_mag def _pad_extrema_rilling(indmin, indmax, X, pad_width): """Pad extrema using the method from Rilling. This is based on original matlab code in boundary_conditions_emd.m downloaded from: Unlike the numpypad method - this approach pads both the maxima and minima of the signal together. Parameters ---------- indmin : ndarray location of minima in time indmax : ndarray location of maxima in time X : ndarray original time-series pad_width : int number of extra extrema to pad Returns ------- tmin location of all minima (including padded and original points) in time xmin magnitude of each minima (including padded and original points) tmax location of all maxima (including padded and original points) in time xmax magnitude of each maxima (including padded and original points) """ logger.debug("Padding {0} extrema in signal X {1} using method '{2}'".format(pad_width, X.shape, 'rilling')) t = np.arange(len(X)) # Pad START if indmax[0] < indmin[0]: # First maxima is before first minima if X[0] > X[indmin[0]]: # First value is larger than first minima - reflect about first MAXIMA logger.debug('L: max earlier than min, first val larger than first min') lmax = np.flipud(indmax[1:pad_width+1]) lmin = np.flipud(indmin[:pad_width]) lsym = indmax[0] else: # First value is smaller than first minima - reflect about first MINIMA logger.debug('L: max earlier than min, first val smaller than first min') lmax = np.flipud(indmax[:pad_width]) lmin = np.r_[np.flipud(indmin[:pad_width-1]), 0] lsym = 0 else: # First minima is before first maxima if X[0] > X[indmax[0]]: # First value is larger than first minima - reflect about first MINIMA logger.debug('L: max later than min, first val larger than first max') lmax = np.flipud(indmax[:pad_width]) lmin = np.flipud(indmin[1:pad_width+1]) lsym = indmin[0] else: # First value is smaller than first minima - reflect about first MAXIMA logger.debug('L: max later than min, first val smaller than first max') lmin = np.flipud(indmin[:pad_width]) lmax = np.r_[np.flipud(indmax[:pad_width-1]), 0] lsym = 0 # Pad STOP if indmax[-1] < indmin[-1]: # Last maxima is before last minima if X[-1] < X[indmax[-1]]: # Last value is larger than last minima - reflect about first MAXIMA logger.debug('R: max earlier than min, last val smaller than last max') rmax = np.flipud(indmax[-pad_width:]) rmin = np.flipud(indmin[-pad_width-1:-1]) rsym = indmin[-1] else: # First value is smaller than first minima - reflect about first MINIMA logger.debug('R: max earlier than min, last val larger than last max') rmax = np.r_[X.shape[0] - 1, np.flipud(indmax[-(pad_width-2):])] rmin = np.flipud(indmin[-(pad_width-1):]) rsym = X.shape[0] - 1 else: if X[-1] > X[indmin[-1]]: # Last value is larger than last minima - reflect about first MAXIMA logger.debug('R: max later than min, last val larger than last min') rmax = np.flipud(indmax[-pad_width-1:-1]) rmin = np.flipud(indmin[-pad_width:]) rsym = indmax[-1] else: # First value is smaller than first minima - reflect about first MINIMA logger.debug('R: max later than min, last val smaller than last min') rmax = np.flipud(indmax[-(pad_width-1):]) rmin = np.r_[X.shape[0] - 1, np.flipud(indmin[-(pad_width-2):])] rsym = X.shape[0] - 1 # Extrema values are ordered from largest to smallest, # lmin and lmax are the samples of the first {pad_width} extrema # rmin and rmax are the samples of the final {pad_width} extrema # Compute padded samples tlmin = 2 * lsym - lmin tlmax = 2 * lsym - lmax trmin = 2 * rsym - rmin trmax = 2 * rsym - rmax # tlmin and tlmax are the samples of the left/first padded extrema, in ascending order # trmin and trmax are the samples of the right/final padded extrema, in ascending order # Flip again if needed - don't really get what this is doing, will trust the source... if (tlmin[0] >= t[0]) or (tlmax[0] >= t[0]): msg = 'Flipping start again - first min: {0}, first max: {1}, t[0]: {2}' logger.debug(msg.format(tlmin[0], tlmax[0], t[0])) if lsym == indmax[0]: lmax = np.flipud(indmax[:pad_width]) else: lmin = np.flipud(indmin[:pad_width]) lsym = 0 tlmin = 2*lsym-lmin tlmax = 2*lsym-lmax if tlmin[0] >= t[0]: raise ValueError('Left min not padded enough. {0} {1}'.format(tlmin[0], t[0])) if tlmax[0] >= t[0]: raise ValueError('Left max not padded enough. {0} {1}'.format(trmax[0], t[0])) if (trmin[-1] <= t[-1]) or (trmax[-1] <= t[-1]): msg = 'Flipping end again - last min: {0}, last max: {1}, t[-1]: {2}' logger.debug(msg.format(trmin[-1], trmax[-1], t[-1])) if rsym == indmax[-1]: rmax = np.flipud(indmax[-pad_width-1:-1]) else: rmin = np.flipud(indmin[-pad_width-1:-1]) rsym = len(X) trmin = 2*rsym-rmin trmax = 2*rsym-rmax if trmin[-1] <= t[-1]: raise ValueError('Right min not padded enough. {0} {1}'.format(trmin[-1], t[-1])) if trmax[-1] <= t[-1]: raise ValueError('Right max not padded enough. {0} {1}'.format(trmax[-1], t[-1])) # Stack and return padded values ret_tmin = np.r_[tlmin, t[indmin], trmin] ret_tmax = np.r_[tlmax, t[indmax], trmax] ret_xmin = np.r_[X[lmin], X[indmin], X[rmin]] ret_xmax = np.r_[X[lmax], X[indmax], X[rmax]] # Quick check that interpolation won't explode if np.all(np.diff(ret_tmin) > 0) is False: logger.warning('Minima locations not strictly ascending - interpolation will break') raise ValueError('Extrema locations not strictly ascending!!') if np.all(np.diff(ret_tmax) > 0) is False: logger.warning('Maxima locations not strictly ascending - interpolation will break') raise ValueError('Extrema locations not strictly ascending!!') return ret_tmin, ret_xmin, ret_tmax, ret_xmax def _find_extrema(X, peak_prom_thresh=None, parabolic_extrema=False): """Identify extrema within a time-course. This function detects extrema using a scipy.signals.argrelextrema. Extrema locations can be refined by parabolic intpolation and optionally thresholded by peak prominence. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Input signal peak_prom_thresh : {None, float} Only include peaks which have prominences above this threshold or None for no threshold (default is no threshold) parabolic_extrema : bool Flag indicating whether peak estimation should be refined by parabolic interpolation (default is False) Returns ------- locs : ndarray Location of extrema in samples extrema : ndarray Value of each extrema """ ext_locs = signal.argrelextrema(X, np.greater, order=1)[0] if len(ext_locs) == 0: return np.array([]), np.array([]) if peak_prom_thresh is not None: prom, _, _ = signal._peak_finding.peak_prominences(X, ext_locs, wlen=3) keeps = np.where(prom > peak_prom_thresh)[0] ext_locs = ext_locs[keeps] if parabolic_extrema: y = np.c_[X[ext_locs-1], X[ext_locs], X[ext_locs+1]].T ext_locs, max_pks = compute_parabolic_extrema(y, ext_locs) return ext_locs, max_pks else: return ext_locs, X[ext_locs] def compute_parabolic_extrema(y, locs): """Compute a parabolic refinement extrema locations. Parabolic refinement is computed from in triplets of points based on the method described in section 3.2.1 from Rato 2008 [1]_. Parameters ---------- y : array_like A [3 x nextrema] array containing the points immediately around the extrema in a time-series. locs : array_like A [nextrema] length vector containing x-axis positions of the extrema Returns ------- numpy array The estimated y-axis values of the interpolated extrema numpy array The estimated x-axis values of the interpolated extrema References ---------- .. [1] Rato, R. T., Ortigueira, M. D., & Batista, A. G. (2008). On the HHT, its problems, and some solutions. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 22(6), 1374–1394. """ # Parabola equation parameters for computing y from parameters a, b and c # w = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [4, 2, 1], [9, 3, 1]]) # ... and its inverse for computing a, b and c from y w_inv = np.array([[.5, -1, .5], [-5/2, 4, -3/2], [3, -3, 1]]) abc = # Find co-ordinates of extrema from parameters abc tp = - abc[1, :] / (2*abc[0, :]) t = tp - 2 + locs y_hat = tp*abc[1, :]/2 + abc[2, :] return t, y_hat
[docs]def interp_envelope(X, mode='both', interp_method='splrep', extrema_opts=None, ret_extrema=False, trim=True): """Interpolate the amplitude envelope of a signal. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Input signal mode : {'upper','lower','combined'} Flag to set which envelope should be computed (Default value = 'upper') interp_method : {'splrep','pchip','mono_pchip'} Flag to indicate which interpolation method should be used (Default value = 'splrep') Returns ------- ndarray Interpolated amplitude envelope """ if not extrema_opts: # Empty dict evaluates to False extrema_opts = {'pad_width': 2, 'loc_pad_opts': None, 'mag_pad_opts': None} else: extrema_opts = extrema_opts.copy() # Don't work in place... logger.debug("Interpolating '{0}' with method '{1}'".format(mode, interp_method)) if interp_method not in ['splrep', 'mono_pchip', 'pchip']: raise ValueError("Invalid interp_method value") if mode == 'upper': extr = get_padded_extrema(X, mode='peaks', **extrema_opts) elif mode == 'lower': extr = get_padded_extrema(X, mode='troughs', **extrema_opts) elif (mode == 'both') or (extrema_opts.get('method', '') == 'rilling'): extr = get_padded_extrema(X, mode='both', **extrema_opts) elif mode == 'combined': extr = get_padded_extrema(X, mode='abs_peaks', **extrema_opts) else: raise ValueError('Mode not recognised. Use mode= \'upper\'|\'lower\'|\'combined\'') if extr[0] is None: if mode == 'both': return None, None else: return None if mode == 'both': lower = _run_scipy_interp(extr[0], extr[1], lenx=X.shape[0], trim=trim, interp_method=interp_method) upper = _run_scipy_interp(extr[2], extr[3], lenx=X.shape[0], trim=trim, interp_method=interp_method) env = (upper, lower) else: env = _run_scipy_interp(extr[0], extr[1], lenx=X.shape[0], interp_method=interp_method, trim=trim) if ret_extrema: return env, extr else: return env
def _run_scipy_interp(locs, pks, lenx, interp_method='splrep', trim=True): # Run interpolation on envelope t = np.arange(locs[0], locs[-1]) if interp_method == 'splrep': f = interp.splrep(locs, pks) env = interp.splev(t, f) elif interp_method == 'mono_pchip': pchip = interp.PchipInterpolator(locs, pks) env = pchip(t) elif interp_method == 'pchip': pchip = interp.pchip(locs, pks) env = pchip(t) if trim: t_max = np.arange(locs[0], locs[-1]) tinds = np.logical_and((t_max >= 0), (t_max < lenx)) env = np.array(env[tinds]) if env.shape[0] != lenx: msg = 'Envelope length does not match input data {0} {1}' raise ValueError(msg.format(env.shape[0], lenx)) return env
[docs]def zero_crossing_count(X): """Count the number of zero-crossings within a time-course. Zero-crossings are counted through differentiation of the sign of the signal. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Input array Returns ------- int Number of zero-crossings """ if X.ndim == 2: X = X[:, None] return (np.diff(np.sign(X), axis=0) != 0).sum(axis=0)