Installing EMD#

There are several ways to install the EMD toolbox. The best one to use depends on how you want to use the code.

EMD is tested against the following python versions:

Stable PyPI version#

The stable version of the code is hosted on PyPI and will be updated relatively slowly. Any updates to PyPI will (hopefully) only contain working changes that have been running without problems on the development versions of the code for a while.

install with pip

EMD can be installed from PyPI using pip:

pip install emd

pip will install the latest version of EMD from PyPI alongside any missing dependencies into the current python environment. You can install a specific version by specifying the version number:

pip install emd==0.6.1

install from conda-forge

EMD can be installed from the conda-forge channel:

conda install -c conda-forge emd

install in conda environment

If you want to create a conda environment containing EMD, you can use the following yaml config:

name: emd-env
  - defaults
  - conda-forge
  - emd

This can be adapted to specify a particular release of EMD by adding the version number to the emd line:

name: emd-env
  - defaults
  - conda-forge
  - emd==0.6.1

This environment can be customised to include any other packages that you might be working with. The last two lines can also be added to an existing conda environment configuration file to include emd in that env.

This env can be downloaded HERE (emd_conda_env.yml). You can download the config and install the enviromnent by changing directory to the install location and calling these commands:

curl > emd_conda_env.yml
conda env create -f emd_conda_env.yml

this will automatically install the required dependancies alongside EMD. The environment can then be activated by calling:

source activate emd

Development version#

You can also install the latest development version of EMD from using a conda environment. This version is less stable and likely to change quickly during active development - however you will get access to new bug-fixes, features and bugs more quickly.

install in conda environment

A conda environment config file can be specified pointing at the development version of EMD on gitlab:

name: emd
   - pip
   - pip:
     - git+

The env can be downloaded HERE (emd-dev_conda_env.yml). You can download the config and install the enviromnent by changing directory to the install location and calling these commands:

curl > emd-dev_conda_env.yml
conda env create -f emd-dev_conda_env.yml

this will automatically install the required dependancies alongside EMD. The environment can then be activated by calling:

source activate emd-dev

install development branch in conda environment

A conda environment config file can be specified pointing at the development version of EMD on gitlab. A specific branch can be indicated by adding the branch name after an @ sign in the line specifying the git repo. Here is an example which installs a branch called ‘new_feature’:

name: emd
   - pip
   - pip:
     - git+

We provide an example env here (emd-dev_conda_env.yml). You can download the config and add the branch name to the right line. Finally, you can install the enviromnent by changing directory to the install location and calling these commands:

curl > emd-dev_conda_env.yml
conda env create -f emd-dev_conda_env.yml

this will automatically install the required dependancies alongside EMD. The environment can then be activated by calling:

source activate emd-dev

install from source code

If you plan to actively contribute to EMD, you will need to install EMD directly from source using git. From the terminal, change into the directory you want to install emd into and run the following command:

cd /home/andrew/src
git clone
cd emd
python install

You will then be able to use git as normal to switch between development branches of EMD and contribute your own.